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 I have attended Los Angeles Recording Workshop, and earned the Audio Engineering Certification.
​In 1998, I have worked in internship at ​
AFM Records,
​located at 1441 N. McCadden Pl. Hollywood, Californa 90028.
In 1999, I have worked at
Custom Duplicate Incorporated
located at 3404 Century Boulevard. Inglewood, California 90303. 
My posistion was Audio Mastering Studio,
running New and Remade Master (4 Tracks Tape). CD-R. Digital Editing PC. 
I have also attended Rio Hondo College, Pasadena College, and East L A College,
for the Music Major.
I had my 1st Album CD Vietnamese Music titled "Tinh Do Lo Au", on 1998.
I registered my song name titled " At That Time " in a 2nd Album titled "America", By HillTop Records  in  Hollywood,  California.
Also, I had joined Viet Music Club 2001-2011.
I am currently in Tac Gia Tac Pham San Jose ( Vietnamese Music Group ).
​I love Music & Sound Recording. I had many songs performed on Stage at differet times and places on different events to Community, and people enjoyed it very much.
I like to spend my time to work with my friends and music writers to discuss, solve & fix their song problems. 
I love and welcome anyone who has their poem and  help to create a song. 
My music background is  Harmonization of melody, Analysis of simply form, Composed Music, and apply to commercial advertising of Music design or Music for Film, Major Records. 
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